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Voices of San Miguel

An Oral History of San Miguel

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Rodrigo Palma Ramírez
“We had to leave the farm when they built the Presa Allende. We were stranded…we couldn’t walk to town, so we couldn’t stay. We had to leave our land behind--the only thing we had.”

“Tuvimos que salir el rancho porque se atravesó la Presa Allende. Estábamos varados…no podíamos ir al pueblo a pie, así que no podíamos quedarnos allá. Tuvimos que dejar nuestra tierra––que era lo único que teníamos”.

Leonard Brooks
“…I was deported, along with other foreigeners working at Bellas Artes, and sent to Laredo with an armed escort. Stirling went all the way to Washington to address the charges of us being expelled for “communist behavior.”

“…fui deportado junto con otros extranjeros que trabajaban en Bellas Artes. Nos mandó a Laredo con una escolta armada. Stirling llegó hasta Washington para presentar cargos por haber sido expulsados por “comportamiento comunistsa”.


Journey through time with these amazing stories.

Voices of San Miguel is a bilingual collection of memories that tells the story of one of Mexico’s most fabled towns. Featuring a moscaic of personal accounts, told by a diverse group of residents, Voices of San Miguel recaptures life during the Mexican Revolution and Cristero War. It details the influx of American G.I.s and the birth of an artist community. San Miguel’s unique history allows for unique stories and characters, people who come alive on these pages while sharing their experiences, hardships, and joys.

Voces de San Miguel es una colección bilingüe de recuerdos que cuentan la historia de uno de los pueblos más legendarios de México. A través de un mosaico de relatos personales, narrados por un diverso grupo de residentes, Voces de San Miguel recrea la vida de sus habitantes durante la Revolución Mexicana y la Guerra Cristera, a la vez que detalla el influjo de los becarios estadounidenses del programa G.I. y el nacimiento de la comunidad artística que llegó a ser. La singular historia de San Miguel da cauce a historias y personajes singulares, que cobran vida en estas páginas al compartir sus experiencias, penurias y alegrías.


About Author Kris Rudolph

Kris's literary achievements include three cookbooks:
Recipes and Secrets from El Buen Café, Mexican Light, and Savoring San Miguel. She’s looking for a publisher (if you happen to know anyone) for her humorous memoir, "She Just Ain't Right." You can read the chapter featured in Hippocampus Literary Magazine here.

Order your copy of Mexican Light on Amazon.